Detecting when player isn't grounded when the ground disappears?

I’m making a 2D platformer and I have platforms that disappear when the player stands on it. To detect wether the character is grounded I use OnCollisionStay2D and OnCollisionExit2D. The problem is that OnCollisionExit2D doesn’t fire when the platform disappears. I’m trying to find a way to always detect the player’s collision, even if it isn’t colliding with anything. That way if it isn’t colliding with anything I could detect that. Is there anyway to do that? Or to make OnTriggerExit2D fire when the object is disabled?
This is the relevant code:
//The solution I’m trying to implement
void OnUpdate()
foreach(ContactPoint2D contact in rb.GetComponent().contacts)
if(contact.normal == new Vector2(0, 1))

//The Ground detection. This works fine except for the case mentioned above

  private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision)
        foreach (ContactPoint2D contact in collision.contacts)
            if (contact.normal == new Vector2(0, 1))
                isGrounded = true;
                isGrounded = false;

    private void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D collision)
        isGrounded = false;

I found a solution. Here it is for anyone who is curious.
//Get the contacts the player is touching
private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision)
contacts = collision.contacts;

//checks the number of contacts. If the number is 0 it means it isn't touching anything

void Update()
                     if(contacts != null)
            if (rb.GetContacts(contacts) == 0)
                touchesLeftWall = false;
                touchesRightWall = false;
                isGrounded = false;