Determine gamepad type (xbox/playstation)

Is there a way I can determine what type of controller the player is using within the gamepad class (Gamepad.current).

If I’d like to differentiate between someone using a playstation controller and xbox controller on PC (win/mac/lin) how can I do this? Would I need to create a seperate control scheme for each device rather than the generic ‘gamepad’ device?

I notice there is a ‘description’ text property - I’m happy to compare against this, however where might I find the different device descriptions failing getting each device myself and outputting the values? My xbox one controller outputs “Microsoft Corp. DCP-J4215N (SDL)” (I am running linux) - would this be different in windows and mac?

Unity had responded to me via discord, so if anyone else was curious - here is the response…

"There are text strings, but please do not use them. I assume this is a question wrt PC, on PC USB HID vendor strings are very loose: here is how we match dual shocks InputSystem/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem/InputSystem/Plugins/DualShock/DualShockSupport.cs at develop · Unity-Technologies/InputSystem · GitHub
So if they wanted to check for string that would need to check for Sony Entertainment. and Wireless controller. which is will be very error prone.
I would recommend using Gamepad.current is DualShockGamepad and leave heavy lifting of string/id matching to our code."