I know Mathf.Atan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg lets you determine rotation based on a point, but how do you determine a point based on a rotation? (What point would be n units away at a d degree slope from point x,y?)
Can I have a direct formula?
When it says x = r cos θ, does it mean multiply the cosine of r times θ?
Actually, it means multiply r (distance) against the cosine of θ (angle). Also, be aware that Math.Cos/Sin take radians, not degrees.
Oops, I read that as ‘multiply r times the cosine of θ’, rather than ‘multiply the cosine of r times θ’. So when I said ‘yup’, that actually should have been ‘nope’ Sorry about that…