Detonator Framework Unity 2.6

Im using Unity 2.6 and trying to get the Detonator framework working, when I install it, it seems to go in fine but as soon as its complete my console is full of error and warnings. Also I am using Detonator framework for the 2.6 Unity.

These errors happen in reverse order.

Cg in program 'vert': warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3" at line 79

Cg in program 'vert': error C1115: unable to find compatible overloaded function "mul(error, float4)" at line 79

Cg in program 'frag': warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3" at line 79

Cg in program 'frag': error C1105: cannot call a non-function at line 38

Cg in program 'frag': error C1008: undefined variable "UnpackNormal" at line 38

Cg in program 'frag': error C1105: cannot call a non-function at line 37

Cg in program 'frag': error C1008: undefined variable "UnpackNormal" at line 37

Cg in program 'frag': error C1105: cannot call a non-function at line 36

Cg in program 'frag': error C1060: incompatible types in initialization at line 36

Cg in program 'frag': error C1008: undefined variable "UnpackNormal" at line 36

Assets/Standard Assets/Detonator/System/DetonatorBurstEmitter.cs(227,33): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected

Assets/Standard Assets/Detonator/System/DetonatorBurstEmitter.cs(223,58): error CS1501: No overload for method `Emit' takes`7' arguments

any help would be great.


I decided too take a look at this for unity 2.5, with alot more wrong than what you have listed, however I found a easy solution at least for 2.5, Im assuming 2.6 will yield the same results.

Step 1: import the detonator package errors and all. In 2.5 I crash hard the moment it starts loading the prefabs from det package, but it doesnt matter the rest of the package gets loaded regardless.

Step 2: Close unity, Locate the Folder you put the Detonator, Defualt is Standard Assets/Detonator, And Delete all the prefabs.

Step 3: Reopen unity, Find DetonateBurstEmitter, if your using 2.5 Debug will give you this error Assets/Standard Assets/Detonator/System/DetonatorBurstEmitter.cs(223,58): error CS1501: No overload for method `Emit' takes`7' arguments.

Step 4 : change the line _particleEmitter.Emit(_tmpPos, _tmpDir, _tmpParticleSize, _tmpDuration, color, _randomizedRotation, _tmpAngularVelocity);

Too this

_particleEmitter.Emit(_tmpPos, _tmpDir, _tmpParticleSize, _tmpDuration, color);

-This will only leave you with 2 warning about the _tmpParticle and tmpDuration vars not being used, but Detonator will now work quite Well with out them, Im pretty sure theres a way too Overload this right and get the full statment too compile perhaps somone else can add too this for a better fix. As far as the CG errors go thats in the Shaders provided, ive yet too fix these myself, however the detonator package is still quite usefull with out the distortion shaders, and there easyily replaced.