I'm using the Detonator Kit for Unity and it's really fine but I'm really new to Unity and i got a question.
1) create an empty gameObject, named "kawoom"
2) component menu / detonator / detonator and add it to my new "kawoom" gameObject
3) hit play, works great
4) uncheck "Explode On Start"
now here's my problem, i really have no idea where to put the Explode()
okay, maybe there are other and better ways but this one works.
var kawoom:Transform;
function Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.X))
var instanceOfDetonator = Instantiate(kawoom, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
i can attach it on any gameobject, just have to connect the detonator prefab to it.
now when i hit "X" on the keyboard, the gameObject shows a nice explosion :)