The free version of unity3d will develop android apps but you cant test it on the actual device without the license, is this correct? I thought I downloaded the free android add-on last month but I didnt check on the android option. Is this still too late to get the free version?
How do I tets thye apps on my desktops properly?
No, you need the Unity Android license to develop Android apps at all in Unity. It’s too late to get Unity Android for free. Anyway it’s not something you download, it’s a license. There is only one Unity app, Pro/iOS/Android/etc. are licenses. It’s not possible to test Android apps properly on a computer regardless, you need an actual device. You can do superficial simulation on a computer, but it will tell you nothing about actual performance and will be missing various input options.
As of May 21st, 2013 at 11:03 AM : Unity drops licensing fee on game engine for mobile developers.
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