Could not think of a better title
It’s been a while since I posted and had a chance to browse the forums so maybe I missed an awnser or two, but any help would be a huge thanks, to note I do not know code but have been learning it from a book, so i’m a good year away from knowing and understanding the advanced code ways around problems.
As a 3D modeller I have been working on iPhone assets for a while now but I have not been able to find some solid awnsers on a few things, the first thing I need to ask is to do with making a huge world, I read that the idevice will only try to render what is on the screen but at the same time if I am making a racing circuit I would need to limit draw distance somehow anyway to stop all the track ahead of the player being loaded in, the two ways I was thinking about this are:
Build the circuit as 20 pieces, making only 3 appear visually at one time, player always in the middle of the 3 so he can see ahead and behind.
Make the entire circuit and tell Unity to only load up to 200meters ahead of the car.
I am not sure if Unity can so the second method directly or not, maybe a script or something? The racing circuit would be point to point, but I am thinking that also keeping track of 3 segments at all times may take up a few too many draw calls.
My second question is to do with Unity’s built in physics for making balls roll and car’s drive about, does this take up quite a bit of resources and draw calls to make a 4 wheeled car drive around with some kind of physical suspension? or am I thinking that this is too much to ask on top of a few k’s of polys too? For the wheel collisions I was going to overlay an invisible but simple mesh which would be your wheel detection, keeping the car only on drivable areas without worry of having the entire scene as a collision.
A huge thanks to anyone in advance if they can awnser, I included some visuals on what I am working on (NOT ingame as I can not code)
The car is just under 1000 polygons (would be the only vehicle on screen) with a single texture 256x256, the world is also low poly and using one single 256x256 texture with an alpha map.