For those who have successfully published games to the app store, on average how much time passes between app submission and appearance in the app store?
Also, I was wondering if anyone would mind sharing information regarding the sales figures of their app(s). As a hobby, I’m not in this to make profit but it would be nice to be able to make up the cost of Unity’s iphone dev license.
Published my first game on October 13th … it wasn’t made with Unity … just cocoa and the iPhone’s 2D graphics. 5 days after I submitted the app for approval it was rejected because I had a message in the app that mentioned “upgrade to full version”… (apple doesn’t allow that). after I resubmitted it took 2 days before it showed in the app store. (so a total of a week)
Cost was $1.99 Game sold a little over 800 units the first day… then 500 the 2nd day… for the next two week it averaged 100 units a day.
Now a month later I’m averaging 60 units a day.
My financial reports came in a few days ago… and the app made $4600 in October. So I’m pretty pleased with the app store so far. I just can’t wait to get my Unity game out there.
One lesson I learned is NOT to charge too much for games… $0.99 - $1.99 is the sweet spot for indie developers. iPhone users are impulsive spenders… the cheaper it is… the more they are likely to buy it… and the more they buy it… the higher you are on the top apps list, which gives you more exposure.
I published my game iStronaut Willy (found in my sig) two days ago. It took less than 3 days (2 and a half) to get approved. I got an e-mail from apple and I was so excited. It didn’t show up until 4 hours later.
Cool thing
If you struggle over things count me in on those that will try to help you out.
would love to see such a city simulator type thingy on the iphone that is really challenging and helps me to have a good time on the way to / from work