Device access - just getting started

Hi there,

Just trying out the Occlusion demo project - to get the hang of the workflow: I am trying to Build+Run on my 2G Touch.

Running Build+Run from Unity, Xcode builds - accepting the bundle identifier for my device provisioning as far as I know - but reports 1 failure:

Building target “Unity-iPhone” of project “Unity-iPhone” with configuration “(null)” — (1 error)
Checking Dependencies
No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=i386, VALID_ARCHS=armv6).
No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=i386, VALID_ARCHS=armv6).
Build failed (1 error)

This seems to be because the Unity Build+Run sets up Xcode for the Simulator mode - if I set the mode within Xcode to ‘Device-iPhone OS 2.2 Release’ and run Xcode’s Build+Run, it compiles but can’t find the Touch. It reports:

Error Starting Executable
No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected.

I have it hooked up via usb and iTunes is recognizing it.

Can anybody kindly point me in the right direction - in small steps, please!



ps also, can the connection/setup be done over wifi in place of usb

Seems you haven’t installed the development provisioning profile. Setting up everything with your certificates and profiles is a quite involved process but it’s outlined in the manual.

Edit: I followed this “story” and it worked for me

Hi there,

Thanks for the pointer.

Turns out that I missed the step in Xcode where you open the Devices pane, find the connected device, and check the dialog: Use for Development.

Loaded up right after: exciting to see, and feel the iPhone controls in action.

Can this work linked over the WiFi?

Thx again,
