Day 3:
First off Happy Easter Everyone!! 
Between last night and some time this morning I got quite a good amount done. I did some art and got 1 of the characters done. First off I would like to explain how combat works, and how the players attacks are controlled.
So each player has 5 abilities. The idea here is to keep them simple as I want this game to be accessible to anyone without a huge learning curve. I want to be able to take a 5 yr old and teach them the basics in a few minutes. Here are the basics of them and the controls:
Move left/right (left/right): moves you left and right
Jump (up): jumps you up, also does double jump
Movement Ability (down): this is one of 4 different generic abilities (Quickfall (2x gravity while held), Cling (lets you cling onto walls), Shield (blocks 50% of an incoming attack, you can only use this while grounded), Heal (heal 1 hp per 1.5 seconds)).
Attack (X): this is you basic attack, different for each character
Special (A): this is a special attack or other useful move, again different for each character
Up Smash (up + down): this is generally an attack, again different for each character
Passive: this is a passive ability that is always active, again different for each character
Here are also the basics of the player stats:
Health: generally ranging from 20-40, there is no armor in the game so all attacks will deal the same damage on every character (this helps keep it simple).
Speed: generally ranging from 3-5, this only controls movement speed
Jump Height: generally ranging from 3-7, this controls how high the characters jump is
Size: this controls how much knockback you take, 1 = 100%, 2 = 50%, 0.5 = 200%
First Character Flame:

He is a pretty moderate character, focused on melee attacks, he is also able to take a bit of a beating.
Health: 30
Speed: 4
Jump Height: 6
Size: 1
Attack: Flame Burst, this creates a quick burst of flames around him dealing 3 damage to anyone caught in his path.

Special: Ignite, this lights him on fire (which deals any character he touches Fire 1 (more on this in a moment) damage) it also gives him bonus health (equal to nearest enemies health / 4) and 5 seconds of boosted speed as well as 1/2 knockback on Flame Burst and drastically decreased knockback taken. (Edit: the health doesn’t update in the gif, I fixed that in the game, so next time it will be easy to see).

Up Smash: Flame Smash, this moves smashes him down in a fury of flames, dealing 1/4 of enemies heal in damage, as well as dealing Fire 3. This move also deals large knockback upwards.

Passive: Fire Immune, this ability allows flame to not take any Fire damage.
I also added Debuffs to the game, the first three are Fire, Freeze, and Slow. These can be given by Hitboxes and can be given a specific level. The level accounts for how long the debuff will last, so a level 1 will last for 1 second, a level 2 will last for 2 seconds, ect.
Fire: deals 1 damage per second and lights the player in a fury of flames.
Freeze: stops all movement and control of player for specified time.
Slow: lows the players speed to 1/2 of the normal, lasts for specified time.
Thats all for now, the next post will be on the newest character (still WIP) called Frost!
Again, Happy Easter!!