This pack contains 52 models (including all LOD stages), 22 unique models.
Additional textures for normal, height, spec and opacity maps are included.
8 houses and 3 of them with interiors (even 2 floors in a house).
Most of the models share same textures, which makes this pack very optimised.
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It can be some kind of balcony, maybe watch balcony, tower, whatever. I created it like balcony and extracted to be some tent like you said, but it can be market place also
@dexsoft: If we buy this, are we allowed to edit this a bit to fit the theme of our game? I would want to change the textures’ hue a bit. We won’t resell the assets.
I bought this pack. There is unitypackage inside, but it is not finished:
Normal maps are not assigned, specular maps not inside. Why? I can do this myself, but I would expect this is already done, because there is no need to have unitypackage, if supplied like this.
House1 is missing texture, or it is not clear, which texture belongs there (material is v3-house1-s1, I put one of stone taxtures there). There is different naming convention for this house, it is against otherwise clean convetion of other meshes, it is making redundant material. Again, why?
Anyway who made final files? Each file (fbx, dae…) contains directional light, camera, render node…I have delete this junk in my 3d modelling package by reexporting without these options. Why? If you offering package, It should be finished with everything (and tested). Previous packages were OK, this was done by somebody else?
edit: same problem in walls and towers package, somebody forget to uncheck that during export.
Normal maps and spec maps are applied when needed. Many of the textures like stone walls did not look better with specularity. Stones dont reflect light very good, when dry. So I just did not use a spec shader to save rendering ressources. Maybe I also did not apply normal maps in some situations because of that. In some rare cases it looks just better without.
Sometimes we import from FBX and sometimes from DAE. DAE is more reliable in Unity, even big meshes like my complete sci-fi corridor level imports fine then but refuses to do when I use FBX. But Unity also imports some nodes from DAE that are not needed like camera positions or texture locators. This does not happen in FBX. Because of that you might have seen a difference.
But these nodes are ignored and do not get rendered anyway, so I thought it will be no problem.
But you really dont have to export and change you can also just import FBX. Most of the time this works very good.
Well, these camera (and other) nodes are in all formats I was able to read with Unity. Even in fbx. I had to reexport everything from my 3D modelling app without these optional settings. I want to have meshes without this, because nobody see inside Unity code and such setting can cause unpredictable errors, even if rendered correctly.
When I made all these demo scenes for recording our videos I never had any problems with additional nodes. Actually I can even delete them within Unity but only after I add a model to the scene.
Unfortunatelly I cannot help any better right now (but maybe in the future). I cannot remove a camera or the last light in my modelling application before exporting. It just tells me that at least one light and one camera is needed. Although I could delete it manually in the DAE files. I will look into this. I could also write a program that automatically removes unneeded tags from the DAE files.