Diagnose Slow iOS Builds

Our iOS builds used to take 20-30min. Over the last 6-9 months, they have ballooned to over 90minutes. It doesn’t take nearly this long if we build locally nor do our local build times now take 3-4x as long as they used to.

How can we diagnose and fix this? It’s a major hit on our productivity when we have to perform multiple debugging iterations for features/fixes that do not have 1:1 behavior between running in engine and on device. I’ve attached a log from one of our builds.

I notice that several of the tasks have nearly identical elapsed time; is duplicate work being done in these steps? Maybe there’s some bottleneck that these other jobs are waiting on?

7244891–872702–log.txt (1.62 MB)

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Just wanted to add that we’re in the same situation. While evaluating the Unity Cloud Build the iOS builds took around 40 minutes to complete, a bit more than our local builds. Now, after a few months the iOS cloud builds take 3 hours to complete. The project’s complexity hasn’t increased that much in the last months. Not sure what to believe here… Is this just a temporary issue? Were the first workers we got high performance ones, and now that we’re a stable client we get low performance ones? If the situation persists i guess i’ll have to advise the company to move away from the Unity Cloud Build… Right now tough we’re experiencing more serious issues with it than the long build times…


Bump. Any suggestions?

It sounds like a very specific issue that you are running into and I would suggest dropping a line in the support team through our dashboard Cloudbuild>Projects>Support ( Unity Cloud)

We can connect with more personal information to help troubleshoot the problem.

Shameless plug - Please consider joining our Windows Beta Builder program! Feel free to review the SET UP INFO or the original post we have on our FORUMS . We are working to make improvements to Cloud Build and this program will not just make Window builders better but has improved the OSX builders as well.