Hi guys,
I have a dictionary in script A that is part of a prefab which will included in script B. All key/value pairs are set in the start method of script A and I also can access them in this method.
In the second script I access the dictionary with gameobject.GetCompontent<scriptA>().dict
but the dictionary is always empty.
I am realy confused. I thought it would be the late initialization but the update method shows the empty dictionary on each frame.
Thanks a lot!
Class A with the directory.
public class ScriptA : MonoBehaviour
public Dictionary<string, int> dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
dict.Add("key1", 888);
dict.Add("key2", 999);
Class B that holds an array of gameobjects. The gameobjects contains ScriptA.
public class ScriptB : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject[] Container;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {