Dictionary Problem: Values copy each other

I created a dictionary of lists, however when I try to fill the lists, the value of one list is instantly copied to the others like this:


I created the top dictionary the same way as the lower one, but whenever I try to change a value in the top one, it instantly changes for every list in the dictionary. The lower one works fine.

I tried to create another one to test this, but got an error as below:


Never saw this before. Also working with lists and dictionaries. Getting to the point where I may need to do what you ar trying. I’ll keep it in mind and post a resolution if I run into the same problem.

Try creating a new collection instance before setting its values in the graph.


The dictionary am using is not created at run time, I need it to be something that I can manually fill before the program runs.

In that case for lists there’s new AotList (c) that takes an existing collection as an input:

For dictionaries I use this workaround to avoid any weird dictionary linking:

Although these days I use Odin Inspector’s serializable dictionaries in scriptable objects. Much nicer than Bolt’s/ Unity VS AoT dictionaries.