Did anyone ever use the bio ik to set up the robot arm before that can help me?

Did anyone ever use the bio ik before that can help me?
I used the bio ik to set up my industrial robot for the inverse kinematics, but I face some problems, I have already asked the publisher but still didn’t receive any reply.
I already follow the readme file in the package, but still can’t figure out how to solve it.
And I have already checked the demo model to see how the publisher set up the model, but still does not work, as the pic is shown below I set up the target to drag it to let the end effort can move, but you can see my robot becomes weird.
I have already added the bio ik script on my game object and already set up the joint and set up the max/min rotation range and select the axis that I want to rotate on each joint.
Could anyone help me?

And down below is the video with my bio ik setting :



Why my robot arm will be very weird because I follow the readme file to set up the bio ik scripts, but I don’t take notice of each joint coordinate that is the same as the real coordinate, so it will have some problems with it.

This is the package manager forum, not the robotics forum!

I’ll move your post for you.


Sorry! and thank you!

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