did forum name change?

Hey guys I’m on my phone, and i realized this forum was called discussion or however you spell it. Not sure if it was me just never really paying attention, but i swear forum name seems different.

But if it is, my question now is why?

Not enough gossip was going to justify that name any more?

So it’s a just a in general chat about gaming now or something?

Nothing has changed except the name, which I guess someone decided sounded better.


No. It’s still Unity-related or close.

Oh okay… Glad that’s summed up now LOL…

Alrighty, I appreciate the insight.

Just a pre-warning, there’s going to be a reshuffle of forum orders tomorrow as well. Everything support related will be listed at the top, ordered alphabetically, some other forums will have their names change and there will be forums added. Pay attention to descriptions.



Is there a reason behind this?

I mean like, is it something new y’all are trying just to see if it works out better, or is there a reason to change everything, like are a lot of people having problems where to post things and stuff, so trying to give more options and stuff?

[quote=“N1warhead_1, post:8, topic: 557584, username:N1warhead_1”]
Is there a reason behind this?
[/quote]We just wanted to remind you all that we’re the ones in charge, is all. Bow before our whims!

(But seriously: these forums are primarily to support people in their use of Unity, so putting the support forums at the top should both make it easier for the majority of people to find what they come here for, and also ought to reduce the number of technical questions that get posted in Discussion).


Oh good…way too much stuff gets incorrectly posted in Teaching/Gossip/Game Design, which has to be moved.

Also, while you’re doing that, can you put the moderation queue/report list back on the main page instead of hidden in the little icon? That’s had a pretty big “out of sight, out of mind” effect almost immediately, where I don’t see it when cruising through the forums so I forget to check it, and it seems most of the other moderators are doing the same thing. So reports and stuff build up for a while with nobody looking at them.



A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion.


Guess that out of sight out of mind thing happened to me, I didn’t realise at all. I’ll get it looked at.

And yes Superpig is correct, there’s a huge influx of support stuff being posted in these top sections and a lot of new users who are lost and confused. Speaking of new users, we will also be opening a section for beginners, so BE NICE :smile:

We also want to match the sections with that of Learn and Documentation, if you noticed some of the descriptions (I’ve not finished yet because it’s half broken and it’s super boring to make, actually I think they’re removed now because it broke) there are links to the relevant documentation areas and learn areas, to make it easier for people to search.

This is what it will kind of look like, I say kind of because I rejigged it a bit since I took this cap.
1856306--119016--Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 15.33.45.png

1856306--119017--Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 15.34.10.png


Ahh okay… Well if you ask me, it might be good to keep at least Discussion at the top, like put it in the Welcome to the Forums section.

This forum appears to be the most active, I’d hate the inconvenience to have to scroll down to find it LOL.

But of course that’s only my observation.

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That’s exactly what happened with me. Before, I had some sort of OCD. When I saw things needing to be taken care of I was on it. Now, not so much :slight_smile:

Actually scripting and support are the most active forums.

Great idea. Can some beginner-oriented stickies be curated and put in there?


I see a lot more scrolling in my immediate future…

Now maybe some of you gossip-mongers will find that having to scroll past all those forums means you decide it’s easier to just work on your games instead :stuck_out_tongue:


You mean typing in “for” in your browser’s address bar doesn’t automatically bring you to the last forum you were at? I’m using Chrome…

Oh god you aren’t lying!

I find my self more on forums than I do working on my game, these forums are addicting! lol.
I’ve never in my life been so into a community before lol.

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