Did someone get the promotion price to upgrade from Plus to Pro subscription ?


I have a Plus subscription and would like to upgrade to the Pro for the price of Plus as stated here Changes to Unity plans and pricing ( “What changes are coming to Unity Plus? What happens to my existing Unity Plus plan?” section ) ; this offer is supposed to start today.

However, I tried the upgrade button but it doesn’t work (it leads to a 404 since September), and the renew one just shows the normal Pro price.

I have sent a request to support, which showed this new article afterward : https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/20067051611156-How-can-I-upgrade-to-Unity-Pro-for-the-price-of-Unity-Plus- ; it’s exactly what I did.

The auto-answer email from Unity states :

So does it work for anyone here ?

Nope, it doesn’t, not yet.

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The discount is finally there…! :hushed:

Upgrade worked for me. Got an email from Unity today with offer. Followed instructions in email (important) and …Tada, Unity Pro license for a year.

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I won’t upgrade. If I still will have contracts for Unity work by March I will extend my Plus subscription for one last year, otherwise, c’est la vie.

But this

is really grating my nerves. Unity, you changed licensing and subscriptions. You don’t get to toss your hands in the air and say “who would have seen this in advance”. Because it’s expected. Put some people on the support team.

Oh and I should add: I got this response after I answered the spam about the one year Pro subscription for $400. They, for some reason, added my PayPal email to my contact emails without the possibility to remove it (I could remove my Unity-account emails from communications). So I asked them to remove my email which was never used for Unity purposes other than identifying my PayPal account so I can pay through it. This move was also highly concerning. Someone somewhere at Unity thought it is a good idea to harvest PayPal user ID-s for spam purposes… Let that proverbial sink in…