I’m proud to announce T-Go Co Games’ upcoming game Diesel Tactics!
It’s an asynchronous turn based strategy game (like Hero Academy) that also allows players to build their own custom armies to bring into battle, similar to the table top games Warhammer or War Machine.
The world and art style are inspired from World War I and II imagery with a steampunk/dieselpunk vibe to it. The game will be 3D with 2D background elements.
Right now we only have the first concept art pieces to show (though modelling and animation have begun, we just aren’t showing anything yet!), but we have new announcements several times per week on our website (and twitter and facebook pages) and if you’re interested in following the progress of the game please follow us on any (or all!) of those!
We’re hoping to launch the game in summer 2014 (we hope!) with the beta being available about a month or so before release.
The game will be available on both iPhone and iPad. It will also be available on Android devices, but I don’t think this is the place to bring that up. You will be able to play against each other though, so you can show those Android gamers what’s what!
Here’s some concept art from some of the units in the game:
We’re going to have a closed beta for iOS devices because you can only give out so many keys. We’re going to try to make it open on Android, but it might not be possible.
If you send me an email at jon@tgocogames.com I’ll make sure you get into the beta.
We’ve been hard at work laying the foundation for Diesel Tactics core gameplay as well as creating the menu system for the game including the all important army creation screens!
Unfortunately, this means that we haven’t had a whole lot of stuff to show off to everyone, since screenshots of code aren’t all that exciting.
We have had quite a few updates on our website tgocogames.com including my blog ramblings on varied topics like board gaming and Kickstarter campaigns, so keep up to date with us there!
We’ll have some gameplay images and videos coming up in the very near future and the updates should be coming fast and furious at that point, so stay tuned!
Thanks a lot! We’re pretty happy with the way they’ve turned out. We still have a couple more models to make, and some modifications to make to existing ones, but overall we love the look as well and we’re almost done with the character art!
It’s been a while since we’ve updated our info on the forums, but that’s largely been due to the fact that we’re hard at work trying to get a working game up and running!
We’ve got most of the pieces of the puzzle made and we’re in the process of putting them together. Things are going pretty smoothly now, but the dev world is always pretty unpredictable unfortunately, so we’re not entirely sure when we’ll be ready to have some gameplay videos for you guys. It shouldn’t be too much longer though, and I’ll let everyone know as soon as we have something playable!
Until then, here are some more images from Diesel Tactics with their working names attached which we’d love to hear your feedback on!
WIP Army Building Screen
Motorcycle and Sidecar Model (working name: Reitwagen Kommando)
Sniper Unit (working name: Scharfschützen)
Jetpack Unit (working name: Himmel Stürmer - “Sky Stormers”)
Heavy Machine Gunner (working name: Rapid Projectile Dispatching Sqaud)
I wanted to give you guys an update on how things are progressing with Diesel Tactics, and let you know why we’re running a bit behind schedule.
We’ve had some internal issues (which I think is sort of inevitable with any studio, but can be particularly bad with an indie developer) which have caused us to have to redo some work that we thought was done. The end result is that we’re running about two and a half months behind schedule. We were hoping to be in alpha right now, but it looks like that will happen closer to sometime in September.
We should know relatively soon as to what our new milestone dates are (for things like gameplay videos, trailers, alpha, beta, etc) and I’ll update everyone here as soon as possible.
On a more positive note, our artist Nadia Fernandez has done some awesome work on the logo for Diesel Tactics and I’d like to show it off to you guys in its current form, so here it is!