Difference between build and build&run

I’ve got a weird one. I’m seeing different behavior when going to “build and run” than running the .exe on it’s own. The desired behavior matches in the editor and this build and run; but my distributable copy isn’t working.

Does anyone know what is being invoked by Unity during build and run that might be missing when I just open the exe?

Hi, I know this is an old problem but i had the same thing working on a project of mine, and I found an answer if anyone else is interested : https://forum.unity.com/threads/differences-between-build-build-run.44359/ , the 8th response answers your question. You basically need to check in the ‘C:\Users{yourusername}\AppData\LocalLow{gamecompanydefinedinplayersettings}\player.log’ file your mistakes and correct them in your scripts.
I hope it helps.