Difference between building locally and UnityCloud

We are seeing differences between what we get from UnityCloud and what we get when we build our project locally. It seems that C# is compiled (somehow) in different way.

When I run the project through XCode (either in debug or release) I get the behaviour I am expecting (and the behaviour I am getting when running inside Unity). When we get Unity Cloud build we have stuff not working. Even had some strange behaviour with generic class for Singletons, it worked as expected everywhere (Unity, XCode build on device) but from Unity Cloud Build.

What exactly is the difference in building the underlaying C# between Unity Cloud Build and local XCode project?

Hi @ZammyIsOnFire - Hmm, I’m not sure what could be going on here. Can you give us an example of the kind of thing you’re seeing? Do you have any debugging information we could compare? Thanks!


We found out that a different Unity version was set when building.
After changing to latest (which I was using when testing) the discrepancies have disappeared.
Anyway, it pushed us to create a logger saving into file so we can check when things go wrong :slight_smile:

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