Hello everyone!
What is the difference between OnPointerEnter and OnMouseEnter (or OnPointerUp and OnMouseUp, etc)?
I’m new to Unity, But as far as I’ve test, OnPointerEnter can do what the OnMouseEnter does. The reason why we can’t use OnPointerEnter directly is that the method is supposed to be under the control of the EventSystem which means that you should create a EventSystem with InputModule (By default Unity has done for us), and you should add a raycaster component to the Camera so that the EventSystem can find the GameObject which should be added collider component to call its callback function. What’s more, with the OnPointerEnter you can get more information from the passed in parameter EventData which I haven’t researched. That’s all I know about them by now and I also wish someone could give a better answer. My English is poor, hope it will be useful to you.
I know this was asked a long time ago, but just in case someone finds this question on google like I did:
According to my findings, OnMouseEnter works on Colliders and “GUIElement” which is the name for the GUI system that was used before OnGUI. If you use OnMouseEnter on the UI, it won’t work, so you have to use OnPointerEnter instead. And as you may suspect, OnPointerEnter won’t work for colliders, in that case you will need to use OnMouseEnter.
Basicly the OnPointer methods are for use with the UI elements.
The OnMouse methods are to use with Colliders and GUI’s.
This means, if you use OnPointer on Colliders it won’t work. And if you use OnMouse on UI elements it won’t work.