Difference Between Project Folder Paths Windows / Mac


Mac drives me crazy - especially if you do not have one. I have a simple question:

On Windows I have in my project a folder called “MyFolder”, where you will find a xml file to read from and to save user settings. Hierarchy looks like:

- Build_Data
  - MyFolder
    - config.xml
  - (unity stuff: Assembly Dlls, levels, assets, etc)
- Build.exe

now I want this “MyFolder” folder include in my Mac Build. But I don’t have any idea where I have to put this folder. Currently hierarchy looks like:

- Build.app
  - Contents
    - Data
      - (unity stuff: levels, assets, etc...) Perhaps here?
    - Frameworks
    - MacOS
    - Resources
    - Info.plist
    - PkgInfo

I don’t have any possibilies to test this. Can someone tell me where I have to put this folder correctly?

Just use Application.dataPath.


Hi Eric,

I am using Application.dataPath but the problem is I don’t know where in the hierarchy the Application path on Mac is… :sweat_smile:

The docs say “/Contents”, which means:

- Build.app 
  - Contents


Thanks. :smile:

If you build a Unity app called UnityGame, you get an icon like this (this is the default icon, unless you specify an icon in the Unity player settings):

You can click on it and do a context menu item for “show package contents”:

Which reveals what’s actually inside:


Wow :shock:, that looks great. Thank you - now I know enough to release a mac version.