Difference between Toon Unity Assert and other non Toon Asserts

Good Day All

i have an environment Assert which is very good Quality like this one Hand-Painted Island Pack this environment is not picked up from Toon , i see also the Toon assert are not in the level of this Assert. i also have a character like Anime Chibi - School Pack - Boys this character has no animation and also it falls under the Toon category . My Questions are
1) What is the difference between Toon Asserts and those that are not ( i Thought it was this Comic looking Asserts)
2) Is it a Good idea to use a Toon Character in a Non-Toon environment if there is a such thing as a Non-Toon Environment.


ultimately it comes down to what You think…
… i think the term “toon” asset is just, like a buzzword descriptor name … it looks like a cartoon, it doesnt look (or attempt to look) photoreal
i guess yeah the hand painted is “painterly” and the anime chibi … is … anime chibi

if it looks good to you, then go for it… i think it might look okay? (idk what it looks like in action)

i guess an important thing to consider is texel density … https://www.isotx.com/texture-texel-density/
if one texture is … more pixelly (lower resolution per mapped surface area) vs another, they will look out of place.

consider how much detailing exists, per say… perceived foot/ yard/ meter is on each object.

… the beach sand in that island pack does look maybe a bit too detailed, but the wood, rocks, trees, to me seems okay