difference in the way getComponent is accessed

Why is it that if using OnCollision method I have to use

 private void OnCollisionEnter2D ( Collision2D collision )
        Debug.Log ( "Hit " + collision.transform.name );
        IDamageble hit = collision.transform.GetComponent<IDamageble>(); 

​and if using OnTrigger method I have to use the code below?

private void OnTriggerEnter2D ( Collider2D collision )
     IDamageble hit = collision.GetComponent<IDamageble>();

​:/​​​ Why is it that I can access the component without first accessing the transform in one method and not in the other?

Because OnTriggerEnter2D does not get a special Collision class but simply the collider that has entered the trigger area. You just named your collider “collision” for some reason. Any Component derived class has a GetComponent method to access other components on the same gameobject. This is essentially a shorthand for using GetComponent on the gameobject of the component.

You may want to rename your variable as it’s non descriptive and confusing as it doesn’t represent a “collision” but simply a “collider”.

Just to make it more clear, have a look at the documentation of OnTriggerEnter2D. It has a Collider2D parameter, not a Collision2D parameter.

Also note that in your first case it would be slightly faster to use


instead of


Since the component version of GetComponent will in turn call the one on the GameObject of that component.