Different input results in unity remote to real game?

I have some movement/zoom code setup in my game that works a treat in unity remote, but when I try it on the actual game build, the movement and zoom and like 100x slower/smaller increments.

Any ideas why it would be different? and how do I combat this? 2 sets of code for inside editor and inside player? man, that would be harsh to maintain.

Have you tried making your code time dependent rather than frame dependent? My guess is that you are probably getting 100+fps in the editor, and then on the phone more like 15-30 fps (that’s what I’m finding anyway). Using Time.deltaTime fixed it for me:


Also note, performance-wise you want to minimize ‘FixedUpdate’ calls, so try using ‘Update’ with deltaTime where ever you can.

Hey ezone… I was already multiplying everything with Time.deltaTime.

It must be something else I am missing as it’s only happening in my iPhoneInput code, so I am sure it must be some bad code of mine somewhere, otherwise others would have reported similar issues.

but you are using the deltatime in update, right?
Not fixedUpdate or something similar.
FixedUpdate is one of those things that should be avoided as good as possible on the iPhone for best performance.

My guess is that you a too high physics frequency.
0.033 to 0.066 (15 / 30 phys updates per second) is a good value, combined with a solver iteration count of about 3.