Different panel(s) than tutorial


I’m following some Youtube videos about basic Unity.
But in Visual Studio I do not get what the video gets.

This is what the video shows.

This is what I see. (Instantiate is not in the list I get)

I’ve tried to figure it out in preferences, but not been able too :frowning:

Thanks for reading

Which visual studio version is this?
Does stuff like instantiate auto fill properly or are all Unity methods broken?

Try deleting the closing parentheses, maybe even delete the starting parentheses and type it again. That usually works for me. Also, if you want to get the intellisense auto complete suggestions out of the way, (the lower menu in both images), just press escape, and then you can use the up and down arrows to look through the method group at all of the versions of that method that take different arguments. If you don’t press escape the up and down arrows move through the auto complete suggestions.

The one in the video seems to be 2019 on mac.
Mine is 2022.
There’s some differences. I do get some autofill suggestions, but not as much as he does in the video.
I don’t get all the coloring either, just some of it.

I will try that, thanks.

This is called Intellisense (and syntax highlighting). It can:

  • not work at all
  • work only for some assemblies
  • work for all the assemblies you need

Here’s my notes for grabbing it by the collar and roughing it up a bit, show it who is boss:

This may help you with intellisense and possibly other Visual Studio integration problems:

Sometimes the fix is as simple as doing Assets → Open C# Project from Unity. Other times it requires more.

Other times it requires you also nuke the userprefs and .vsconfig and other crufty low-value high-hassle files that Visual Studio tends to slowly damage over time, then try the above trick.

Barring all that, move on to other ideas:


Also, try update the package inside of Unity: Window → Package Manager → Search for Visual Studio Editor → Press the Update button

Update: The VSC extension has been deprecated.


There is a community fork available that is receiving updates.


Also, this: https://discussions.unity.com/t/805330/7

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I think Unity is not linked. Did you set VS2022 as the code editor in preferences - external tools?

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Thank you for a lengthy and good answer.
I’ve tried everything, and still it just doesn’t work. (It did something, I suddenly got an error-checker that suggested solutions, but not what I asked for).
So in the end I just tried to download v2019 of Visual Studio and that did the trick.
atm I don’t believe I will be so advanced that I need a 2022 version, so I’ll stick to the 2019 for now.
Again, thank you. Much appreciated.


Can you link to the video?