Different scene results between game-mode and webplayer...

in game-mode my scene works perfectly. Now i exported it as a webplayer-application and the result is different to the gamemode!

In my mainScriptController i´ve excluded an onGui-block, to change the scene. In game-mode it works correctly and there are no onGui-Buttons.

I saved the scene and exported it again to watch if these changes are working in the browser. But the onGui-block is still in the webplayer-app.

I already tested different things like cleaning the browser cache or making a new project, but it doesn´t help.

Could somebody help me?
Thanks for all your tips…

I deactivated all scripts, added a new gameobject and gave it a new javascript only with this code:

function OnGUI()
	if (GUILayout.Button("Test" )){

Nothing changed. In Game-Mode the button is displayed, as an standalone or webplayer export, the button won´t be rendered.
I don´t have any ideas…

After over 6 hours of searching, exporting and testing, i found solved the problem.
I have an “scene”-folder in which i store my “mainstage” and all the exported webplayer/standalone files. After erasing all these files, now it works…
