Different sons of inheritance or a different parameter in construction

I’m trying to have a script control when and how an explosive missile explodes. It looks, on collision, for a SphereOverlay of colliders and then looks at the tag of each of them, to see if they have to be damaged, so it can make a sendMessage to each of the targets.

The problem is that I want both some enemies AND my main character to shoot this type of missile. So I don’t know what’s better:

  • OPTION A) Inherit from a central explosionMissile and each of the sons of the inheritance would check for the corresponding tag (“enemy” or “player”)

  • OPTION B) Have the same class for both but set a parameter on instantiation (can it be done) and this parameter wouuld be the String of the tag, so it checks differently each time.

You want to go with option B.

Make a public variable on your script - then after Object.Instantiate, set it to a value you want to use.

Make sure that you do this though. If your prefab is a transform - do

var myNewObject : Transform;
myNewObject = Object.Instantiate(whatever, somePosition, someRotation);
myNewObject.GetComponent(MyScriptName).myProperty = whateverValue;