Different spawn spots in Multiplayer

Hey, I've been working on a fps game with several buddies for about 4 months now and we have created all the models by our self but finally we got into a few problems that we couldn't solve. First : How can we make people who are joining a game spawn on different spawn spots in the game. Second : We wanted to sell the game for a cheap price but can't figure out how to make everyone who buy the game get an ''active'' account that u gotta have to be able to play online.

Anyone clever enough to help us with this ?

For spawning, what I do is create a new GameObject called 'spawnpoint' and make a gizmo for it too so I can see it in the editor. Otherwise it's just an empty transform. Put several around the area you want people to spawn in. On Awake I Find them all (you could also tag them and find them that way) to make a list. As players join, I assign them to the next spawnpoint on the list (circular fashion), grabbing the position/rotation of the spawnpoint and setting that to the new player's transform. You could also use a random selection.

I have a system for registration, but I would not post details here as I don't need people hacking at it, but if you contact me directly I can give you some pointers. That said, there's probably some services out there for this. I think Unity themselves just started essentially an 'app store'?