Different systems of the same entity get different LocalToWorld.Position

First System

public partial struct XXXXSystem : ISystem
    private EntityQuery _entityQuery;

    public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)
        _entityQuery = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder()

    public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
        var physicsWorld = SystemAPI.GetSingleton<PhysicsWorldSingleton>();

        state.Dependency = new XXXXJob
            PhysicsWorld = physicsWorld,
        }.Schedule(_entityQuery, state.Dependency);

    private partial struct XXXXJob : IJobEntity
        public PhysicsWorldSingleton PhysicsWorld;

        public void Execute(in LocalToWorld localToWorld, in Entity entity)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"{entity.Index} version {entity.Version} #######{localToWorld.Position}");

Second System

public partial struct ZZZZSystem : ISystem
    private EntityQuery _entityQuery;
    public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)
        _entityQuery = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder().WithAllRW<LocalToWorld>()

    public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
        var dt = SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime;
        state.Dependency = new ZZZZJob()
            .ScheduleParallel(_entityQuery, state.Dependency);

    public partial struct ZZZZJob : IJobEntity

        public void Execute(ref LocalToWorld localToWorld, in Entity entity)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"{entity.Index} version {entity.Version} ************{localToWorld.Position}");


309 version 2 #######float3(5.27f, 1.682025f, -10.24f)

309 version 2 ************float3(5.27f, 1.57575f, -10.24f)

309 version 2 #######float3(5.27f, 1.57575f, -10.24f)

309 version 2 ************float3(5.27f, 1.518525f, -10.24f)
309 version 2 ************float3(5.270084f, 0.7530007f, -3.565054f)

309 version 2 #######float3(-1.003042f, 0.7530007f, -7.958806f)

309 version 2 ************float3(5.270084f, 0.7530007f, -3.565054f)

309 version 2 #######float3(-1.003042f, 0.7530007f, -7.958806f)

I will ask the entity to move for A while and then stop moving for a while. After the movement is stopped, LocalToWorld.position is still different, so it should not be the problem caused by the system order

So only difference between systems is the physics world property?
Is the position different at game start?
What is the result, if you don’t move entity?

I’m sorry I just got a reply

  • yes the only difference is physics world property.
  • The position at the beginning of the game is the same
  • The position is still the same if you don’t move it