Diffuse Reflections in HDRP

I’m trying to get started with HDRP, but I’m having trouble getting even basic environment lighting to work. I’m using a volume with these settings:
When I create a sphere with the default material, this is what I see:
Clearly the sphere is getting reflections from the environment, but it’s supposed to be white! It seems like only the specular lighting is getting affected by the environment, not the diffuse. This is even more clear if I use a gradient for the environment and set all the colors to white (the sphere is still all black except for specular reflections). What else to I have to do to get diffuse lighting from the environment? This worked out of the box in the builtin render pipeline. I’ve also tried making the sphere static, baking the lighting, checking and unchecking the GI settings in the lighting panel, but nothing changes it.

Also, when I add a regular light, it works as expected, so it is just the environment lighting that isn’t working.

Ok, I found the solution. I added the “Baking Sky” component to my volume, and now it’s working as expected.