Dimension Jumper, Innovative Space Shooter [Dev. Diary]

Hi all!

We are a new small studio based in The Netherlands, at the moment we are two programmers, a 3D artist and a 2D designer. We have been doing games before but this is the first shot at trying to release something more polished and most importantly commercial. We intend to bring our next game to the Ouya console, as well as PC and Mac.

Dimension Jumper will be a vertical space shooter with a twist. The current version of the game is in very early alpha, so the videos only showcase technical demos. We hope during the course of this month to have some real gameplay ready, and release a web demo to get some feedback.

Some screenshots from Dimension Jumper:

And a video:

We want to have a strong story for it (most of it is already written). We will explain a bit more the mechanics of the game once we release a gameplay video and web demo. We’ll be posting regular updates here and also in our website:

Any feedback is appreciated!

BTW, we want to thank many developers here for the great Assets that they have published and allow us to accelerate our development. Just to name a few of the assets we use: UnityVS, Space for Unity, NGUI, Decal System, uSequencer…

Lol, at first I though you were talking about this game:


When you’re putting together a video, try to remember the attention span of your audience.

Showing your front end is nice for context but you don’t need to linger on the options and your level appears to run out of enemies and just scrolls pointlessly around the 1:30 mark of a 3:46 video!

It’s cool to see stuff in an early state, but if you don’t have much to show, make it a short video.

@Daniel : Yeah… When we started developing our game (originally in XNA) we were not aware of Oliver and Spike. Once we moved to Unity we saw that the two names were maybe too close. We are considering changing the name for release, for the moment it will remain Dimension Jumper during development though…

@FlaxSycle: Thanks for the tips! The video I posted pretends only to show the current status of the backgrounds in the game. So, yes, not much to show. When we have some real gameplay I’ll try to follow your advice. I checked the trailer you have for Assault Android Cactus and it is incredibly well done, we’ll try to do something short and to the point as you suggested!