I have a script that uses an enum to display a dropdown menu, but now i need to display a Vector2 field in the inspector depending on which enum is selected.
My class properties look like that:
public class EnemyFly : MonoBehaviour {
public WaveType waveType;
public Vector2[] locations;
And, in an external script:
public enum WaveType {
I found a solution that worked for me.
First of all, i had to remove [HideInInspector] flag, that was the main problem.
Then, i move WaveType to my script, i really didn’t need it anything else.
My final code looks like:
public override void OnInspectorGUI(){
serializedObject.Update ();
EnemyFly.WaveType wt = EnemyFly.WaveType)waveType_prop.enumValueIndex;
if (wt == EnemyFly.WaveType.Estationary)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (locations_prop, new GUIContent ("Locations"), true);
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
The “bad” thing, is that with this solution i have to write code for any property, but that is not a real problem in my case, bc it’s a very wide a script very customizable