I am a modeler/texturer/animator/map maker for a game about hunting dinosaurs. Its a FPS that doesn’t really have a good name yet. Any ideas for a cool name would be appreciated, like a lot. Please enjoy these few pictures I can show of the progress on the map as well as a dinosaur.
Dinosaur teeth alphas are sorta bad (using the leaf shader for lack of a better option) I’m thinking about just making the teeth 3D
Of-coarse you may notice the dinosaur is in the same pose, lol we don’t have any working AI for them yet but we’ve got someone on it.
All done in Unity Free, were hoping to be able to eventually afford a pro version.
I think if you’re going to do dinosaurs you need to seriously reconsider the vegetation you’re using, cus at the moment it looks like the 21 century with dinosaurs somehow transported through time. You need strange, tropical, dinosaur-era plants and trees that look more wild.
Currently were all working with the terrain assets from the unity website, we are hoping to put our own trees in over time, they will probably be a bit wilder and primitive. Environments are inspired a lot from areas in washington. Its meant to be a bit alpine, instead of palms I wanted pines and firs.
I would also like to stress the fact that everything on those screen-shots is subject to change.
Depends on how close to the critter your player will come. If the image is something that a player would actually see in-game (probably one second before dying…) then they should be 3D. If the player never gets this close, it’s probably better to have them as textures.
Dinosaur! This one can be among my top favorite games but for that i need to get and play it first. I wish if i can be a Game developer and can develop game for myself.