I have made a procedural voxel game prototype, where the chunks are in all directions (x,y,z).
You can see when I go underground, around 29s, that everything looks fine. Then I drop deep undeground and you can see around 39s that the directional light is shining.
Shadow distance is set to 500.
Why does the directional light show?
ps. The dimmer light is flood-fill artificial light, propagated by flood-fill.
Hm… they are procedurally generated chunks. So, initially they may have both sides.
But if you go deep underground, only the inner faces, like the cave walls would be rendered, as dirt & rock on top of the cave, would be way too think and the opposite face would be out of render distance.
So yes, from the light’s point of view, it could pass right through, when the “walls” don’t have both faces. Hope there’s a setting for this, without having to render faces both ways…
I found it useful to use directional light on top of voxel light - because it looks nicer.
Edit. Seems not to be the issue, as it works in some places and doesn’t in others?
this is probably a bias or normals shadows setting issue.
If using URP the Umbra Shadows asset adds contact shadows which can help with this aswell, but i’d only reccomend that if the bias and normals settings to fix this conflict with something else.
The provided screenshot already has the bias and the other one set to 0.
Increasing the resolution to 8192 helps - I tried a bunch of settings, but I cannot get rid of the small glitches completely.
But, I seem to be on the right track.