Any idea?
Any idea?
Sounds pretty straightforward to me. Directional Lightmaps won’t work on SM 2.0 hardware (very old graphic cards), or GLES 2.0 (mobile devices). If you’re not targeting those, you shouldn’t have any issue.
Though I’m not sure what exactly happens if you do run the game on something like that. My guess is either pink everywhere from unsupported shaders, or (preferably) you just get no lightmaps at all.
I have good graphics card (Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 and latest updates) and also computer.
Actually I’m trying to make Lightmapping but after “Build”, the scene looks bad. Exactly what you said about lightmaps.
The warning isn’t necessarily trying to tell you about the machine you’re on, it’s just warning you that when you distribute the game to people, some of them may have hardware that doesn’t support the features you’re using. On a GTX 750 I imagine you won’t have any issues with directional lightmaps.
As for the scene looking bad, it could be for any number of reasons; can you post screenshots?
I forgot to post a bug, but they do not actually fall back on my device, Tmobile G2 (by htc), 512mb of ram, android 2.3.4, 800mhz cpu.
On my pc it fallbacks perfectly, on mobile it does not show the lightmap at all.
It looks like you’ve got unlit (or very bright) materials on your objects; the baked GI isn’t gonna do much except make everything brighter in those cases. It does seem to be working though, I can see a little bit of AO around the edges of the hemisphere objects.
Now let’s bring up this ol’ topic.
As you can see, the problem still remains (In this case I’m using Unity 5.4.0b16).
The following warnings also appear in the 5.3 versions.
It bugs me that I can’t achieve good looking results as I did in the old days.
Just look at it, even the emissive materials don’t appear correctly.
Mainly because of the following issue?
yes i would still like this to be fixed, it says they will fallback to Non-directional, but it does not, it simply doesnt show any lightmaps at all on my device. on pc it fallsback correctly. would be great if this could be fixed. so high end devices could get the lightmap
Sure. When all is set to Lightmap static I still keep getting no rendered shadows or any other result as expected.
Hopefully they will fix this as soon as possible.
you need to add a bloom to your camera to see the effect of the HDR ( and you’t can’t see the effect in the scene view ) only with a camera.
hope it helped
Too bad it stays the same inside the Game-view and at the Built of the game. It’s just weird and will be very annoying in the future.
Rest in peace Unity Lightmaps 2005 - 2013
well honestly, most new devices should be able to do directional lightmaps, even low end cheap new phones, its still a lightmap, faster than real time lights.
is this bug reported?
Of course, from 16/12/2015.
Case: #754798.
I have the same problem, using Unity 5.4. I am building NOT for a mobile game but for Desktop and I don’t have an old graphics card! What could be the problem??? Nothing (except for enviroment lighting) is working in the lighting window!
hello there. I have same problem.
Unity 5.4.2p.4 and Asus GTX960