Directional lightmaps + Specular in external application

Hey, everyone! I want to try and render Directional lightmaps + Specular in vray. I’m looking at those maps, and have no idea, where to start… Any input? From the documentation, I have only vague idea, that first map is not a diffuse, but some kind of intensity, and other one is oddly constructed normal map.

Is it even possible to render them in something like vray?

Unity devs, could you please quickly outline, how the normal map is generated in this scenario? Is it global radiosity NRM? I tried to deduct it by looking at channels and light direction, but no matter what, I can’t get same result with vray.

I’m not quite sure what you are trying to do. Are you trying to use vray to precompute the lighting as a lightmap? By directional do you mean direct? When you bake a lightmap, the lighting can’t move, so you might as well use it to bake the indirect too (ray traced lighting will look awesome) if vray supports baking.

Specular lighting depends on where you are standing in-game. Try this in real life: find something shiny and angle it so you can see a lightsource. Keep it there and move yourself around the shiny object. You will see that it looks as though it moves when you do, so it can’t be baked.

Basically, I want to mimic Unity’s “Directional + Specular” baking mode in vray. In order to show speculars for the object properly, it also generates normal map. I want to understand, how this normal map gets constructed.