If it is not being used, is it possible to disable the accelerometer to gain some processing power?
you don’t get any real processing power from not using an input device. The micro to nanosecond per 1/60 s (thats the frequency with which the accelerometer input data are checked) is really of no importance.
OK, thanks!
I don’t know if it’s just me but i definitely feel an increase of performance when I do :
#define kAccelerometerFrequency 0.0
in AppController.mm although I do get an occasional error during the build (which dosen’t affect the result)
Then there is something really strange going on as 60 checks for the values + feeding a few datastructures shouldn’t make any considerable difference.
I doubled checked with a FPS counter and all and I can guaranty a performance increase (30 days money back and all)
In that case double thanks for that information
How much of a performance gain are we talking about?
I can’t tell exactly , I went from 30fps - 15fps (choppy) to a steady 26-30fps which makes the whole difference for me.
It might be that I needed just very little to make this leap but I can’t tell.
It’s very easily done , check it out for yourself .
Is it just working for me ?
I have a 16gb old school iPhone
Yes, I get an additional 2-3 FPS with kAccelerometerFrequency set to 1. Setting it to zero results in the occasional devision by zero error so I avoid that.
I need a way to disable the accelerometer not for performance gain but for my new game to ignore it while a condition is met. Any thoughts about how to do that?
See http://forum.unity3d.com//viewtopic.php?t=23888 for details (apologies for the double posting … I didn’t see this thread when posting my initial query.)
EDIT - Never mind. As a simple workaround I am simply stopping time instead.