Disable AudioZone

I made a sprite to turn the audio off (button), but the script doesn’t work. I have problems with .active thing… Here’s the script:

#pragma strict

var audioIsOn : Sprite;
var audioIsOff : Sprite;
var Audio_Source : GameObject;

function Start ()
	Audio_Source = GameObject.Find("homeAudio");

function OnMouseDown()
	if(Audio_Source.activeInHierarchy == true) //also tried .active and .activeSelf
		// also tried: .active = false
		// activeSelf = false and activeInHierachy = false
		GetComponent(SpriteRenderer).sprite = audioIsOff;

	if(Audio_Source.activeInHierarchy == false) //also tried .active and .activeSelf
		// also tried: .active = true
		// activeSelf = true and activeInHierachy = true
		GetComponent(SpriteRenderer).sprite = audioIsOn;

Try this:

 function OnMouseDown()
     if(Audio_Source.activeInHierarchy == true) //also tried .active and .activeSelf
         // also tried: .active = false
         // activeSelf = false and activeInHierachy = false
         GetComponent(SpriteRenderer).sprite = audioIsOff;
    else  if(Audio_Source.activeInHierarchy == false) //also tried .active and .activeSelf
         // also tried: .active = true
         // activeSelf = true and activeInHierachy = true
         GetComponent(SpriteRenderer).sprite = audioIsOn;