Disable guardian in passthrough mode

Hello, cross posting from https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Quest-Development/Disable-guardian-in-passthrough-mode/m-p/965915#M4688 as there is not much of a community there.

We have an app that has passthrough enabled at all times so you can walk around your location and add virtual items to the real world. However, the player is required to travel across far distances in real life while using the app.

Is there a way for the app to turn of guardian mode while passthrough is on?

This is for published runtime for the masses. I am aware devs can turn off guardian mode.

As far as I know is not possible (out of the dev mode). Im waiting also for this feature. With the new video passthrough AR capabilities, there is a bit of hope that new versions supports it. It would make totally sense.

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Thanks for the info. With regards to the “new video passthrough AR capabilities”, do you mean this https://developer.oculus.com/blog/mixed-reality-with-passthrough/ ? Or is there a roadmap or link you can share?
Thanks again!

I have no idea about roadmaps, but with the last update on the quests you are able to recreate your room with basic geometry.

Supported directly by the sdk. Posibilities suddenly are very promising

In some point you will be able to map your entire house and it will make no sense to keep the boundary activated. If you find a way to do it for published apps or Oculus Lab please le me know.



@Subdigita Add this to your AndroidManifest.xml-file in Assets/Plugins/Android

<uses-feature android:name="com.oculus.feature.CONTEXTUAL_BOUNDARYLESS_APP" android:required="true" />