Disable Mouse Look ...again

I’ve searched the forum and tried whatever solutions I’ve found but i still can’t disable Mouse Look from my script.

This is what I want:

  1. When User press “I” GUI is visable and Mouse Look disabled.

  2. When User clicks OK button GUI goes away and Mouse Look is enabled again.

Here’s my script so far:

var settingsVisible : boolean; 
var gameobj : GameObject; 
var mouseL : MouseLook;  

	gameobj=GameObject.Find("First Person Controller"); 
	mouseL = gameobj.GetComponent(MouseLook);

function Update  () {
	if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.I)) {
		settingsVisible = true; 

		if(mouseL) { 
			mouseL.enabled = false; 

function OnGUI () {

if( settingsVisible ) { 
		GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,108,280), "Inställningar");
		GUI.Box (Rect (16,34,96,210), "Kvalitet");

		if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,65,80,20), "Bäst")) {
			QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fantastic;
		if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,95,80,20), "Bättre")) {
			QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Beautiful;

		if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,125,80,20), "Bra")) {
			QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Good;
		if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,155,80,20), "Enkel")) {
			QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Simple;

		if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,185,80,20), "Snabb")) {
			QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fast;
		if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,215,80,20), "Snabbast")) {
			QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fastest;
		if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,255,80,20), "OK")) {
			settingsVisible = false;
var settingsVisible : boolean; 
var gameobj : GameObject; 
var mouseL : MouseLook;  

function Awake()
	gameobj =GameObject.Find("First Person Controller"); 
	mouseL = gameobj.GetComponent(MouseLook); 

function Update  () { 
   if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.I)) { 
      settingsVisible = true; 

      if(mouseL.enabled) { 
         mouseL.enabled = false; 

function OnGUI () { 

if( settingsVisible ) { 
      GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,108,280), "Inställningar"); 
      GUI.Box (Rect (16,34,96,210), "Kvalitet"); 

      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,65,80,20), "Bäst")) { 
         QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fantastic; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,95,80,20), "Bättre")) { 
         QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Beautiful; 

      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,125,80,20), "Bra")) { 
         QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Good; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,155,80,20), "Enkel")) { 
         QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Simple; 

      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,185,80,20), "Snabb")) { 
         QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fast; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,215,80,20), "Snabbast")) { 
         QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fastest; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,255,80,20), "OK")) { 
         settingsVisible = false; 
		 mouseL.enabled = true;

You may also want to disable the MouseLook script on the camera as well.

Thanks for looking into it, but it doesn’t work for me?
Also, what do you mean I should disable the MouseLook script on the camera?
I thought that was what I was doing?

(Sorry for beeing such a noob but I’m just learning to script in Unity.)

If you look at the First Person Controller prefab you’ll see there is one MouseLook script component attached handling the X axes (which is the one you are currently enabling/disabling) and one attached to the child “Main Camera” to handle the Y Axes. I believe this is done to keep the FPC pointing in the direction you are looking.

Ok, I got the part that also the camera has a MouseLook script that I must disable but I can’t find the right way of getting it. I keep getting a:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
settingsScript.Update ()   (at Assets\settingsScript.js:24)

And the script:

private var settingsVisible : boolean; 
private var gameobj : GameObject; 
private var mouseL : MouseLook;  
private var cam : GameObject;
private var mouseL2 : MouseLook;

function Awake() 
   gameobj =GameObject.Find("First Person Controller"); 
   mouseL = gameobj.GetComponent(MouseLook); 
   cam = GameObject.Find("MainCamera");
   mouseL2 = Camera.main.GetComponent(MouseLook);


function Update  () { 
   if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.I)) { 
      settingsVisible = true; 

      if(mouseL.enabled) { 
         mouseL.enabled = false; 
	   if(mouseL2.enabled) { 
         mouseL2.enabled = false; 

function OnGUI () { 

if( settingsVisible ) { 
      GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,108,280), "Inställningar"); 
      GUI.Box (Rect (16,34,96,210), "Kvalitet"); 

      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,65,80,20), "Bäst")) { 
		QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fantastic; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,95,80,20), "Bättre")) { 
		QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Beautiful; 

      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,125,80,20), "Bra")) { 
		QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Good; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,155,80,20), "Enkel")) { 
		QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Simple; 

      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,185,80,20), "Snabb")) { 
		QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fast; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,215,80,20), "Snabbast")) { 
		QualitySettings.currentLevel = QualityLevel.Fastest; 
      if (GUI.Button (Rect (24,255,80,20), "OK")) { 
		settingsVisible = false; 
		mouseL.enabled = true; 
		mouseL2.enabled = true; 


function Awake() 
   gameobj =GameObject.Find("First Person Controller"); 
   mouseL = gameobj.GetComponent(MouseLook); 
   cam = gameobj.Find("First Person Controller/Main Camera"); 
   mouseL2 = cam.GetComponent(MouseLook); 


That gives me exactly the same error.

Line 24 is the line which starts with:

if(mouseL.enabled) {
mouseL.enabled = false;

Probably a dumb question but do you have a FPC called “First Person Controller” in the scene hierarchy? Are you instantiating one in a script?

I use the First person controller from standard assets.

Not that I know of.

Well what you are describing would be the effect you would get if the MouseLook script on the FPC was not yet initialized when you tried to get a reference to it:

mouseL = gameobj.GetComponent(MouseLook);

However as far as I know all objects are initialized before the awake function is called, but you could try changing the Awake function to a Start function.

Try the following:

Create a new empty project and import the attached package into it and open the example scene and run. Do you still get errors?

258506–9291–$test_698.unitypackage (18 KB)

Thanks, the test scene works as it should. :slight_smile:
Now, how can I make it work with my scene/project?

Creating a new first person controller didnt work.

Changing: function Awake() to function Start() didn’t either.

All I did was this:

in the mouselook script, add a line:

public static bool mouseLock = false;

And in the void Update function:

if (!mouselock) {
//everything that was in Update before

Then, in your disabler/menu script or whatever (javascript)

var script : MouseLook;

script.mouseLock = true; //to lock it, assumedly you'd put this by your "Menu is open" in the OnGui function

script.mouseLock = false; //to unlock, put where the button "closes" the menu

Yeah, worked for me. Probably a more elegant solution somewhere.