Disable object through script, not working. help?

I’m getting pretty annoyed, I’ve tried various ways of doing this. I feel like its a syntax error or I’m just not going about it right.

With this method I am getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

var disabler;

function Start(){
disabler = GameObject.FindWithTag("SomeTag");

function Update()
    if(some condition that is being met){
   	disabler.enabled = false;

figured it out

GameObject contains no property called enabled

you can destroy an object.
you can make it invisible
you can disable scripts.

you cannot enable or disable gameobjects.

function SetActive (value : boolean) : void

Activates/Deactivates the GameObject.

I think this is what you are looking for, hope it helps

var disabler : GameObject;

    function Update(){
    disabler[0&&1].enabled = false;

Note: set the objects in the heirachy.