I need to disable a script on all my “crate” objects in my scene when the player wins. I’m not sure how to do this so I would love any help! Please post your answer in C#.
I need to disable a script on all my “crate” objects in my scene when the player wins. I’m not sure how to do this so I would love any help! Please post your answer in C#.
The easiest way to do this will be to set a boolean variable up called isEnabled in your crate script, and prevent the script from running if it’s set to false.
public class ScriptableCrate
public bool isEnabled = true;
public void Update()
if (isEnabled == false) // Check if this object is enabled
Then, you use this code to set isEnabled on all crates to false:
public void DisableObjectsWithTag(string tagToUse)
GameObject[] taggedObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tagToUse);
foreach (taggedObject in taggedObjects)
taggedObject.isEnabled = false;
GameObject gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(“crate”);
foreach (GameObject go in gos) {
go.GetComponent().enabled = false;
‘SomeComponent’ should be replaced by the component name (not in quotes) that you want to disable.