On the Xr Interaction Toolkit package, is it possible to disable select interaction (grab) but still allow activation interaction on a XrGrabInteractable ?
I’ve tried setting the interactionLayers to 0 but, obviously, it disables any kind of interaction, I would like to disable the selection interaction only.
There’s a mode on the ray interactor that has enables hover activate. It should solve your issue.
@ericprovencher How is it ? This mode is already set to true (otherwise I could not even try to activate a not-selected object), but that does not help on disabling the grab without disabling the activation.
You can put a select filter if you want to disable the select behavior.
I’ll look into that then, thanks for the tips
Works like a charm, thank you again !
@ericprovencher btw, do you know why there is no activation filters along with the hover and select filters ?