Does anybody know of a way to make parented objects in the scene view unclickable. Something that is scene independent.
I know you can do this in the hierarchy panel, with the hand icon, but this isn’t a good solution when building a big level as you have to manually disable the child objects every time. And then for the next level you have to do this all over again.
Example… a tree prefab with 3 LOD’s… when its selected, it selects LOD0. I never want this to happen.
You can write a custom editor script that listens to selectionChanged , just add a callback in a static method with the [InitializeOnLoadMethod] Attribute above it.
Then a simple check, if the mouse is over the scene view window and if the new selected GameObject has an LOD-Component in it’s parents → select the parent with the LOD-Component instead. MouseOverWindow method link.