When working with shader graphs with time nodes, there’s an unpleasant mix of behaviour in the scene window/game window/shader graph window.
Some play smoothly, some lurch.
In scene view, you can toggle “animated materials” to move from lurch mode to smooth animation mode. But the game view still lurches until you enter Play mode.
Ideally, it would be good to have similar controls to Particle Systems where you can play/pause/stop depending on your needs.
Mostly, I want to be able to turn them all off outside of play mode, especially when working on other objects in the scene. Having something lurch in the background from what you’re focused on is really distracting.
When working on the shader graph objects, I either want it stopped or smoothly animating. It should never lurch.
I second this one, I have some foliage I’ve animated using shader graph and the leaves go wild swinging everywhere when outside of the play mode, It would be really nice to have the animations behave like they do in play mode or else have the option to shut them off while editing.
The problem seems to come when lerping between world position and a noise texture which is being influenced by time.
I think there should also be an option to disable all preview windows in nodes, because my instincts tell me that adds some of the lagginess when working with shadergraph.
+ on this, in a bit more complex shader i wait 5+ minutes after every single action to compile and this is due to preview shaders as i see in the compile tab
I have never ever used this preview, so is as useless as it goes given the time it takes for me