Disable VR Head Position Tracking VR

How can I take a Camera and make it VR enabled for both eyes without it being controlled via head tracking. For my scenario I wish to make a CCTV like overlay. I’m considering render textures with world space GUI but it would be pretty nice to be to simply use a camera for the job.

It is generally advised not to do that. If you want to add a in game camera add it to a render texture and attach it to the camera. Alternatively if you want CCTV why not create the CCTV room and add the render texture to the screen.

Yeah I’m afraid someone would say that. :slight_smile: I’d still be tracking the vr head rotation by using the other hidden cameras rotation to spin my gunship turret. I’m on the edge of performance and hoped a camera would work be help rather than a render texture. As it’s a gun it’s position is static, simple works best in VR world…

Thanks anyway, I’m stuck with render texture for now.