Disabled Canvas Group Blocks interaction beneath?

I’ve run into this several times and not sure what the best solution is:

I have a Canvas and Canvas Group on a Game Object Prefab that represents a UI “Window”. This parent Window contains several child UI canvases, including one that contains a scrollrect with a content mask.

When the Window is window “Hidden” - that is, the Canvas Group Alpha = 0 and the interactivity and raycast blocking is disabled in the CanvasGroup component, it interferes with a button that is in another CanvasGroup that not part of the Window.

I can tell because the button in question is half under the Window - and only the part that sticks out from the Window is clickable. That is to say, this Window Canvas Group seems to block interactions on other UI Elements where it overlaps those elements, even though the Window is disabled and not visible as described.

What is going on and why does this happen? Does the scrollrect mask cause this problem, even though the mask is the child of a CanvasGroup that has been made invisible and non interactable?

Thanks for any ideas!

I have the similar canvases’ structure and enabling/disabling group stuff in AR Masker.

I believe that this can be solved by setting a different Sort Order for each canvas.

I will try it. thanks!

Well it doesn’t work. Both canvases on are different layers. The only way I found to prevent this blocking clicks is to also set the Canvas.enabled = false when I set the CanvasGroup options to hide the offending window. Really strange though.