Disabling Articulation Bodies at runtime leads to Editor crash

Hi, cannot report via bug reporting tool, as there seems to be a bug in the tool :wink: At least it does not allow to upload reports right now.

How to reproduce the bug:

  1. Select multiple Articulation Bodies at runtime.
  2. Disable Articulation Bodies.

In my project (on 2023.1.15) I get an instant and reproduceable crash.

That Unity version is equivalent to an alpha version. Have you tested if the bug is present in an stable (LTS) version? At the time of writing this the latest stable version is Unity 2022.3.12. Still, I’d recommend staying at Unity 2021 due to various physics issues still present in 2022.

It’s not labeled alpha or beta anymore. I know that it’s not LTS, but it’s still a proper release. This bug here is also not breaking my workflow, but I guess it’s interesting for the Physics dev at Unity. And I already reported dozens of bugs via bug reporting tool, but his time the tool was broken.
2023.1.x is running fine for most things, for some even better then 2021 LTS, most reported bugs are related to new features.

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