private var conForce : ConstantForce;
function Start ()
conForce = GetComponent(ConstantForce).enabled = false;
Not really sure how to disable the constant force component, if there is a concrete way.
private var conForce : ConstantForce;
function Start ()
conForce = GetComponent(ConstantForce).enabled = false;
Not really sure how to disable the constant force component, if there is a concrete way.
It is the double equals that is messing you up. Use:
GetComponent(ConstantForce).enabled = false;
Note that there is short cut variable as part of GameObject you can use instead:
constantForce.enabled = false;
Unity does a GetComponent() under the hood, so it doesn’t save the call, but it makes code a bit cleaner.
Just so you know, turning off constant force will not stop your object from moving unless you have the drag turned way up.
#pragma strict
var cForce : ConstantForce;
function Start()
cForce = GetComponent(ConstantForce);
if(cForce != null)
cForce.enabled = false;